Community: mymy
Branch: 馬來西亞分會
一年一度的運動會即將在七月份開跑了。 通過運動會,希望可以鍛煉幼兒體魄,培養人文運動與團隊互愛。
為了迎接來臨的運動會, 學校安排了培訓周以讓幼兒適應各項運動項目。老師們先帶領幼兒熟悉各個隊伍的隊呼。然後老師和幼兒一起律動。
過後, 老師帶領各自隊伍進行運動項目。 在第一個星期, 19/6 至 23/6,幼兒進行了兩個項目, 【翻山越嶺】 和 【歡喜結好緣】。
The annual sports event will be happening in July. It is hoped that through the sports event, we can exercise the children’s physical fitness, and cultivate sports awareness, humanity, and team spirit.
The school arranged the sports training week to familiarize the children with the games. Teachers lead the children to shout out the slogan of the respective teams. After that, teachers and the children exercise following the rhythm of the songs.
Finally, teachers lead the respective teams to participate in the games. For the week 19/6 to 23/6, the children engaged in two games, “Over the Hills” and “Creating Good Affinities”.