Community: mypgselectionmybw
Branch: 馬來西亞分會
Health Talk Topic : “Body Mechanics and Ergonomic ” Speaker: Bro Tan Yi Xian Physiotherapist
日期 Date:27-5-2023 (星期六 Saturday)
地點 Venue:慈濟北海環保教育暨社區活動中心(怡園)
Tzu Chi Butterworth Environment Protection Education cum Community Activity Centre, Taman Pandan
Participants: 52 pax
As part of the Wellness Program, today we are indeed grateful to have, Brother Yik Xian, a physiotherapist to share with us on body mechanics and ergonomics to prevent injury. This is very crucial especially in our Recycling centre, where our Recycling Pusa need to do a lot of lifting and carrying heavy loads.
This talk help us to have a better understanding and the importance of the proper use of body mechanics in injury prevention.