Community: mypgselectionmybw
Branch: 馬來西亞分會
Abdul Kalam, from Butterworth, Malaysia, had both feet amputated. He used to complain about others. It was not until he participated in the distribution of Tzu Chi in Sungai Petani that he realized that he was more blessed than many people, and he changed his mind since then.
Put photos of the Lazuli Buddha and Master Zhengyan
in the store to do good deeds every day; put bamboo tubes in the store to encourage good deeds every day
Life is self-reliant
and runs a small grocery store. He can also ride a motorcycle to carry goods and handle his own daily life.
Flip your hands
to help Shabina, a young single mother (who wanted to suspend her child because she had no money, and Yadukaran borrowed some to get through it).
The single mother was moved and called Yadu Karan “bapa”. Although she has no financial ability to return, she will help bapa go out to buy goods or food, and she will also help in the shop.
Volunteers felt Dharma joy when they accompany Yadu Kalan to turn their palms.
During the online Malay distribution on May 1, 2022, the volunteers accompanied Yadu Karan to go online together. Seeing his own video appearing on the program, Yadu Kalan also felt joyful, and that he could also become the object of others’ learning, and hoped that he would continue to do good deeds and help those in need.